Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mouse's Eye View


  1. Under the hutch
    there's flat sheen
    Floor tile between
    Me and the
    end of the run
    from the cat
    I love
    who plays
    chase as I
    race and run
    to the next post
    the refrigerator
    and every tidbit

  2. Mouse’s Eye View

    OMG another dog
    Who has six?
    On the bed
    On the couch
    On the floor
    In and out the dog door
    What’s a mouse to do?
    Sneak into this bedroom
    Cozy, dark, and OMG
    Two cats
    Out the laundry room
    Into the garage
    OMG green tree pythons
    Waiting for a morsel of mouse
    Think I’ll just stay outside the house.
    OMG a 500 pound pig
    Time to pack up
    And check the neighbor’s digs.

    Rick Stepp-Bolling

  3. Full moon glimmering,
    ascending between silver slices
    as the jealous house mouse
    misses the entire pizza sky.

  4. Beautiful image where the 2 and 4 lines
    Get the full picture of the house mouse

  5. Than you Esteppo and Daryl, I thoroughly enjoyed both of your pieces as well.
    Honored to have your input

  6. Your unfinished business is an open invitation
    To the cat dish and everything in the pantry.
    You’ve had months to put up those baseboards but
    I’m so glad you didn’t, and I hope
    You never will.

  7. wee creature peek
    from his crack

    the floor
    snatch this
    tiny treasure

    1. I also have a poem in response to the Robert Burns poem called "What the Mouse Said"
